Release Trauma & Free Yourself Once and For All

You long to feel seen, accepted, and loved. 

But the more you try, the further you push people away. 

You go out of your way on a regular basis to help and please others, but it seems to go unnoticed, or worse, unappreciated. 

You’re starting to wonder what could possibly be wrong with you or the choices you’ve made.

Every morning, you wake up and affirm, “Today will be different.” 

But the endless loop of forced positivity followed by inevitable despair has left you exhausted. 

I’m here to tell you: You will not find the complete connection you long for in others. 

You will only ever find it in yourself. 

To experience unconditional love in the world around you, it’s important to first cultivate it from the inside, by confronting past hurt and learning to accept yourself. 

This is why I’m grateful to introduce to you

The Spiritual Detox…

6 healing audio sessions + a LIVE Zoom that will support you in letting go of the past by becoming increasingly self-aware, spiritually connected, and empowered to create the life you know you deserve. 

I’m Ready to Transcend Trauma and Heal!

Each 45- to 60-minute session has been specifically designed to heal trauma and transmute negativity, leaving you feeling lighter and freer with each listen.

You will be guided through each session to feel safe to go deep within, discovering transformational insights about yourself that will give you the power to become your own greatest healer. 

Each audio works holistically to create a total mind / body / spirit transformation that will serve to ignite the most confident, connected, purposeful version of you. 

Allow The Spiritual Detox to help you reimagine how healing can happen for you. No longer is it an out-of-reach privilege, available only to those in high places with deep pockets. 

Let Go of It All Today!

Healing is a right, and my intention is to shine a light on the parts of you that are capable of miracles. Even if that feels impossible for you now, each session will create a palpable shift that refocuses your attention on what you’re truly capable of. 

Using The Core Work© Method, a therapeutic healing technology that combines neuroscience and holistic principles, these 6 healing audios will help you free yourself from the root causes of your physical, mental, and emotional challenges, so you’re no longer held back by heavy, dense energy that’s keeping you on a loop of struggle. 

In The Spiritual Detox, you will receive:

You will complete your experience with a live healing Q&A gathering via Zoom, in which you will be able to receive personalized guidance and support. 

For so long, trauma has so many of our decisions, actions, and life path. It has been at the root of most of our relationships with ourselves and others, sabotaging our right to healthy connection and harmonious kinship. That ends now.

It’s time to choose differently. 

You deserve more.

I’m Ready to Trascend Trauma and Heal Now!

By the end of The Spiritual Detox, you can expect to:  

  •  Feel more at peace with yourself, opening up to greater happiness and well-being
  •  Experience emotional balance and harmony, as you say goodbye to your emotional triggers!
  •  Cultivate a strong sense of confidence and independence, trusting yourself to follow your creative ideas and manifest a life of unconditional love
  •  Know yourself at a deeper level than you’ve ever experienced, so you can quit judging yourself, and can guide yourself lovingly through life’s challenges, emerging stronger and more capable each time
  •  Have the strength to sit with your emotions and to feel them fully, allowing you to move through them faster and not be consumed by them 
  •  Release your fears so you can be more present in life, as you build your self-worth and embrace situations that offer you joy and happiness

I believe that this level of healing should be made accessible to anyone who desires to free themselves from the pain that holds them back.

I want to make this an easy decision for you. Because I know what the alternative is.

I’m Ready to Trascend Trauma and Heal Now!

Meet Emmanuel

Since 2005, Emmanuel Dagher has served as a holistic therapist, spiritual teacher, and healing guide. This journey has led him to help thousands of people around the world to create a life of joy, freedom, fulfillment, and well-being.

Emmanuel is the founder of The Core Work© Method, a practical healing technology that helps people recognize, honor, and move beyond the physical, mental, emotional, and financial blocks that have kept them from living their best life.

Emmanuel is committed to supporting humanity during this time of great global change, in a practical, effective, and compassionate way.

Colleague Testimonials

"Emmanuel Dagher is one of the kindest and gentlest souls who walks this planet. He is someone who really walks his talk, and I frequently recommend his work to people, especially to those who need help in shifting from a scarcity paradigm to an abundant one!"

Anita Moorjani

"I am truly honored to witness Emmanuel as he channels source energy through such powerful and inspiring messages that are needed in this world right now. Emmanuel is a gift of compassion and love to all that cross paths with him.  I see him as a wise soul able to bring presence and calm into any situation."

Sunny Dawn Johnston

“Emmanuel’s healing skills are legendary and honed to perfection.”

Jennifer Mclean

"Emmanuel echoes my belief that prosperity and success are an expansion of happiness."

Deepak Chopra

Begin Your Spiritual Detox Journey



I’m Ready to Trascend Trauma and Heal Now!