Do you struggle in your day-to-day life knowing there is more potential for you? 

Is Fear, Doubt, or Victim energy blocking you from becoming the powerful, balanced person you know you can be? 

The Chakra Healing Series has been uniquely designed by international bestselling author Emmanuel Dagher to balance, cleanse and activate each chakra - helping you achieve your greatest potential in this life.

These seven energy-packed healing sessions link you with Source Energy and your Higher Self to:

  • Align, unblock and EMPOWER your Divine Foundation
  • Balance, heal and align your intuition
  • Release blocks and limitations created by childhood trauma and past lives
  • Turn on your Divine Power
  • Awaken Divine Love
  • Find your voice
  • Dissolve karmic cycles
  • Awaken your Divine Wisdom, clarity and insight
Just listen to the audios with an open heart and you'll be overjoyed from the outcomes that will follow.


"Emmanuel echoes my belief that prosperity and success are an expansion of happiness."


It all starts with The Core Work©



At the heart of the 7-part CHAKRA HEALING SERIES, is a healing technology founded on principles of science and spirituality - The Core Work©

Emmanuel developed one of the most effective and comprehensive energy healing systems from decades of research, trial and practice, and has used it to support tens of thousands to achieve healing in many areas.

In the CHAKRA HEALING SERIES, Emmanuel uses The Core Work to help you balance each chakra, allowing you to absorb the blessings and lessons of imbalances with grace and ease.


What You'll Receive

When you buy the CHAKRA HEALING SERIES, you instantly get access to seven healing audios that will help you understand, purify, cleanse, and heal each chakra.

These audio sessions are meant for you to use in any order as many times as you need it to stay balanced and aligned with your highest and greatest good.

Below is a simple explanation of each of the seven chakras Emmanuel will help you purify, cleanse and heal in these powerful audio sessions.

Session 1 - The First Chakra: The Root

The root chakra is our physical foundation, keeping us grounded and helping to activate our energy. 

This chakra can become imbalanced due to painful early life experiences that remain unhealed. 

Too little root energy can cause anxiety, lack of confidence, and a lack of ability to complete projects. Too much can cause self-involved, aggressive, survival-type behavior. 

When this chakra is not working properly, it can show up as problems in the legs, bones, adrenal glands, colon, kidneys, or spinal column. 

When the root chakra is balanced, we feel healthy and alive, active, optimistic, patient, and full of vitality.

Session 2 – The Second Chakra: The Sacral Plexus

The second or sacral plexus chakra is where our emotions are stored. 

It influences our sensuality, physical force, passion, open-mindedness, and our ability to have meaningful connections with people, places, and experiences.  

If this chakra out of balance, energies such as guilt, shame, blame can come up, and lead to addictive behavior, sexual dysfunction, and problems with the reproductive organs and fertility. 

When this chakra is not working properly, it can lead us to be too self-involved, egoic, distrusting, and otherwise closed off. 

When our sacral plexus chakra is balanced, we feel, friendly, imaginative, compassionate, and having a balanced mind and energy that leads to success. 

Session 3 – The Third Chakra: The Solar Plexus

The third chakra or solar plexus is located at the base of the rib cage, just above the belly button. 

From here, we pick up vibrations and essences from people, places, and experiences. 

This is also where we store our personal power, desires, and patterns of self-acceptance. 

A lack of balance in the third chakra may cause us to feel insecure, and to hide from the world.

When the third chakra is balanced, we can more easily accomplish what we want, embracing our power with confidence, and knowing greater prosperity, security, and joy.

Session 4: The Heart Chakra

Located in the center of the chest around the heart area, the fourth chakra is the foundation of the light body, where our physical and spiritual bodies meet. 

Fueled by love, the heart influences compassion, forgiveness, connection, trust, balance, and ease with life. 

It also aids in rejuvenation, success, growth, prosperity, development, and rebirth. 

A lack of balance in the heart chakra can lead to emotionally instability, the martyr or victim role, feelings of unworthiness, rigidity, and lack of compassion.

Session 5 - The Fifth Chakra: The Throat

Located at the base of the neck and throat, the fifth chakra influences communication, dreaming, creative expression, discernment, wisdom, out-of-body experiences, and clairaudience. 

This chakra is all about self-empowerment: making choices, willpower, and the right to speak and be heard. 

The throat chakra is where our karma is stored—the idea that what we put out, we too shall receive. Karma can be cleared and resolved once lessons have been learned.

Session 6 -The Sixth Chakra: The Third Eye

Located in the middle of the forehead, the third eye chakra/pineal gland influences our capacity to see or sense the future, and is the basis of intuition and inner knowing. 

Blocks in this chakra lead us to become unimaginative and indifferent, with poor focus and low concentration. 

But when the third eye chakra is balanced, we become the creator of our lives—confident in our own abilities, with no need to look to others to feel whole. 

We’re able to tap into our intuition and imagination—to visualize, concentrate, have Divine insight, and achieve enlightenment. 

Session 7 – The Seventh Chakra:The Crown

The seventh or crown chakrais located at the top of the head, and influences spiritual will, inspiration, and celestial knowledge. 

If this chakra is not working properly, we will be more influenced by ego than by our Higher Self. 

We will more easily buy into the illusions of lack, separation, and fear. 

When the crown chakra is balanced, we are released from ego-driven desires—we’re able to trust and know we’re divinely guided in all we do. 

What people are saying about the Chakra Healing Series

The Chakra Healing series is what I have been searching for! If you are looking to create balance in your body, mind and Spirit, this audio program is the one you want! After 15 years of insomnia, I can actually sleep a full 7 to 8 hours every night. This itself is a miracle! I have since also been able to heal many emotional issue and PTSD from childhood. I wake up each day looking forward to living, which was not the case before. I am now eating healthier, taking care of my self, and feel better than I did in my 20's, and I'm in my 40's!

- John Hudson, Chicago, Illinois

Thank you Emmanuel for creating the Chakra Healing series. I attribute much of my physical and emotional healing this past year to your help and this series. I have been on a healing journey for many years, and have seen a little progress. After immersing myself in the Chakra Healing series, I noticed that my health got to where I wanted it to much quicker, and the thing that I am the most happy about is that I am not triggered emotionally by everything anymore. I am at peace, and I am happy for the first time since I can ever remember. Thank you for creating these kinds of life-changing programs.

- Nessa Foster, Los Angeles CA


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